Volunteering for Scouting is one of the most fun, rewarding and positive things you can ever do. You can give as much or a little time you like and we will match opportunities that fit your skills and time available. If you would like to have fun and make friends, earn professional qualifications and make a real difference to the lives of young people please contact us.
‘For anyone thinking of becoming a Scout, I say, go for it, come and join the big adventure.’
Bear Grylls, UK Chief Scout
We would love to hear from you if you are interested in helping out. Volunteering is flexible and you only need to offer as little or as much time you can afford. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Help can vary from being a uniformed leader in any of the sections, to someone who can help with the occasional administrative tasks or maintenance on the hall, boat house and our fleet of boats.
We would especially like to hear from you if you could help out in our Cub section as an Assistant Leader.
For a role description as an assistant cub leader please click here.
We would also like to hear from you if you would like to be a leader or helper in any of the other sections, Explorers, Scouts and Beavers.
We also welcome people who can help out in the running of water activities. People with RYA Dinghy Instructors, RYA Powerboat Instructors, RYA Windsurfing Instructors, BCU Coaching Certificates would be extremely useful, as would persons holding RYA Powerboat 2 and RYA Safety Boat certificates. If you do not possess qualifications but willing to help out, then the appropriate training can be given, which may lead to RYA / BCU qualifications.
We are also looking for people with appropriate skills who can help with the maintenance of our fleet of boats.
We are also looking for volunteers to sit on our fundraising committee.
If you think you could help out, please contact our Group Scout Leader Kevin Earl at gsl@netleyseascouts.com or 07860 240565.
For appointment forms click here